【同义词辨析】 2017-06-14 惊讶surprise-amaze

surprise: stresses the causing of surprise, amazement, or wonder through being unexpected or unanticipated at a particular time or place: ~d to find his mother in a bar. (expect预料,有一定把握,如I expect to finish the work on Friday我预计周五完成任务,anticipate预料并提前做准备,如the servants anticipated our every need服务员预料到我们的需求(并做了准备))

astonish: implies a surprising so great as to seem incredible: the young player ~ed the chess masters.

astound: stresses a stunning or overwhelming emotional effect resulting from unprecedented or unbelievable but true occurrences: news of the atomic bomb ~ed every one. (stun使人眩晕昏迷震惊,如打击头部to make someone unconscious or unsteady, 如the animals are stunned before slaughter屠宰前要先把动物击昏, 又如she is a woman of stunning beauty她美得让人倾倒)

amaze: suggests an effect of bewilderment, perplexity, or wonder: ~d by the immense size of the place. bewilder: to confuse使人迷惑bewildered by city life面对城市生活感到迷茫perplex表示让人疑惑担心犹豫,多指不好的事情,如her change of personality perplexed her friends她性格的变化让朋友疑惑担心,没有采用)

flabbergast: may suggest a dumbfounding astonishment and bewilderment or dismay: ~ed by his daughter's precocious comments. 早熟的  (dumbfound让人目瞪口呆,形容极度惊讶困窘,如dumbfounded by her rejection of his marriage proposal她拒绝了他的求婚,让他惊讶困窘到目瞪口呆)  (dismay2个意思: 1惊愕 2气馁,都表示面对突然的困难麻烦不知怎么办, 如he looked at her in dismay诧异地看着她, 又如they were dismayed to find that the train had already left他们发现火车已离开,感到很气馁)

surprise惊讶: 表示没预料到,让人惊讶惊叹(surprise,amaze惊奇,wonder自己解释自己),astonish大为吃惊: 非常惊讶以致难以相信(incredible),astound震惊: 前所未有无法相信,让人震惊难以抵挡(stun震惊,overwhelm压倒),amaze惊叹: 表示让人迷惑感叹,flabbergast: 让人极度惊讶

记忆方法: 1)首字母SAAAF想成飞速阿==>让人惊讶

        2)惊讶的意思是让人很意外mean to impress forcibly through unexpectedness.